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A member registered Sep 07, 2017

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Hey, just found your game recently, and while i can't support you monetarily, i'm liking what i'm seeing in the freee version thus far! Just a few quesions tho:

Will there be many non-bug scenes in the future? As i can see that bugs are you main forte, if i can call it that.

Is the friend gonna be involved in scenes with the protag?

Is the choice to step into the doorway upside-down just for fun, or does it have a function?

I hope you keep safe and financially stable in these times, best of luck!

Ah, alright, good to know. Nsfw or not, it still looks like a really cool game. Best of luck with development!

I realized i'd been following you on twitter for all this time without connecting that game to the old Magefight game. So will the adult aspects of the old game carry over or will the new game mainly focus on the combat only?

Some suggestions i think would make sense based on JakeLone's and my feedback:

-The wakeup animation for when you first log into the game and subsequent wakeup animations after failure should be switched around, that way you only have to see the longer animation once on startup and shorten the subsequent ones.

-The starting pistol, imo, is fine as it is, the problem is the pistol weapon class in general. I feel like they're too inaccurate for their damage, capacity and reload speed for them to be a reasonable purchase later on, even when fired while crouching, altho im not sure if doing that actually boosts your accuracy/recoil recovery or not. I tried pacing my shots to my best attempt but hitting headshots consistently still seem virtually impossible.

-I agree that weapon dropping on taking attacks from certain enemies are a bit annoying, but it would be significantly less so if there was more feedback that your weapon has dropped among the action, either through an on-screen text prompt or an animation, tho that might prove too much effort for a trivial mechanic.

-I know getting knocked down is meant to be punishment for running out of health, but the recovery duration seems way too long imo, to the point where i had fallen on top of the pit to the right of the starting area on the FER map, the robots still had time to fall into the pit, climb 2 platforms and still managed to down me again before my standup animation had the chance to finish.

Other than these gripes, i think the challenge this game brings is refreshing when it comes to porn games at least, and the variety of fetishes is more than enough to satisfy my depraved tastes. Thank you for making the game, i hadn't enjoyed a porn game as much as i have with this before :)

Sidenote: any plans for more bestiality outside of the zombie hounds? are more maps planned for the future?

Ah, thanks for clearing up. Loving the game, btw. Stay safe!

Is the coin trajectory being influenced by the direction you're moving in intentional? and if so, why did you decide to implement it when just having a set trajectory every time would be a bit easier to hit?